3 Health Secrets Your Body Is Trying to Tell You

I can reshape my brain through meditation

  • According to MRI scans, the hippocampus—the part of the brain in charge of learning and memory—thickens after only a couple of months of mindful meditation. Brain-cell density also decreases in the amygdala (responsible for fear, anxiety, and stress). Those physical brain changes can alter your mood. Try one of these mini meditations to zap stress and anxiety.
  • Please don't look down at your phone

  • Would you hang four bowling balls from my neck? Before you say that’s a stupid question, consider this: Sixty pounds (or about the combined weight of those balls) is the same amount of force exerted when you tilt your head forward at about a 60-degree angle to text or e-mail from your smartphone. And you do that for up to four hours (hours!) a day. For the love and integrity of my cervical spine, raise that phone up to your sight line. Oh, and avoid these texting habits that are super annoying.
  • Please. Quit. Smoking.

    Five short years after the day you quit, my risk of developing cancer of the mouth, throat, esophagus, and bladder is cut by a whopping half. Thank you. Here are 23 tips to quit cigarettes for good.


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