Definitely one of, if not the creepiest place in Italy (and maybe even Europe), is the island of Poveglia. Closed to tourists, and therefore known as ‘The Forbidden Island,’ it’s located in the Venetian lagoon. The famous legend has it that a healer (or witch as many believed) cursed the island, proclaiming it to never be inhabited again; and people refused to live there. Eventually, it was used as a mass burial ground during the Black Death and other plagues. When ships entering the Lagoon were found to carry the plague, passengers were quarantined on Poveglia.

Later, it was turned into a hospital for the mentally ill. As the story goes, a doctor there tortured and butchered patients with experimental therapies. He went mad himself and jumped from a window to his death, but his body was never found. Through its recorded history, it is believed that at least 160,000 people died on Poveglia, confirming its status as one of the places in the world with the highest amount of deaths per square meter. Allegedly, the island is haunted by the people who died there, and some who pass by report hearing cries and screams.


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